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CyclingUp: Flexenpass-south

Region: Austria
Climbing effort: 522 cep
Elevation meters: 700
Steepest kilometer: 9.2%

Steepest 250 m: 12%
Foot: 1073 m    Top: 1773 m
Mean slope: 6.8%
Length: 10.3 km

From: Klösterle
Road conditions (2021): good
Other race bikers: 1-5 per hour
Motor vehicles: 60-180 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (2/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: no

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Profile Flexenpass-south

Just after the start of the ascent from Klösterle to the Flexenpass, the road leads through three tunnels. In the first there is a kind of bike path and it is not allowed to bypass the second on the outside. In the third, cycling is prohibited but there is a nice bike path outside with fresh air. After more than five kilometers cycling, the village of Stuben is reached and a steeper section with 9 bends follows (two and a half kilometers with an average slope of 8.2%). This part ends at the fork with the road to Arlbergpass. Immediately after the fork the road enters into the Flexengalerie. This is a 1.6 kilometer long series of semi-open tunnels, which was built in an almost vertical rock face. This gallery complex is spectacular, doesn't look very modern but has character. The last 500 meters in the gallery are quite steep (10%). The pass is reached about one kilometer after leaving the Flexengalerie.

Profile Flexenpass-south Flexenpass-south

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